Travel-Indonesia: West Timor

West Timor is a political region that comprises the western half of Timor island with the exception of Oecusse district (which is politically part of East Timor) and forms a part of the Indonesian province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, (NTT or East Nusa Tenggara). The land area of West Timor is 15,850 square kilometres (6,120 sq mi). The highest point of West Timor is Mount Mutis at 2,427 metres (7,963 ft). Rote Island, the southernmost island of Indonesia, is southwest of West Timor.
West Timor's largest town and chief port is Kupang. It is the capital of Nusa Tenggara Timur province.

Aerial view of West Timor

Timor - Landscape & Nature

Timor - Daily life

Timor - Traditional Houses

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